Kamis, 25 Februari 2010

Menggunakan Metode Kas Untuk Akuntansi Perpajakan

Ketika mengirimkan angka pajak ke IRS, terdapat 2 jenis metode akuntansi untuk digunakan. 2 menerima metode adalah metode akrual dan uang tunai. Bisnis bertanggung jawab untuk memilih metode mana yang akan digunakan perusahaan.

Banyak persoalan dapat menjadi faktor dalam keputusan atau pemilihan dapat semudah keinginan pribadi. Perusahaan-perusahaan besar biasanya membutuhkan lebih banyak prosedur memperhitungkan seperti volume penjualan, berapa banyak persediaan yang disimpan, jumlah penjualan, pengalaman masa lalu seorang akuntan, dan daftar terus terjadi.

Metode uang pajak catatan akuntansi semua transaksi dan pendapatan pada saat pembayaran. Bahkan jika penjualan itu dilakukan tahun sebelumnya, menurut buku-buku akuntansi pajak, pendapatan dicatat ketika pembayaran diterima secara fisik.

Untuk usaha kecil yang mungkin tidak membayar sekretaris atau staf akuntansi, metode uang pajak pencatatan akuntansi sepatutnya. Dengan metode ini, rekening dan penjualan dibiarkan terbuka sampai pembayaran penuh diterima. Menggunakan metode kas membantu usaha kecil menyadari apa account telah selesai dan ditutup dan penjualan yang tidak dikumpulkan pada yet.

Prosedur usaha kecil dapat berkisar pada spektrum. Beberapa sangat kaku dan memiliki semua dokumen diajukan dalam beberapa menit dari transaksi dan beberapa tidak memiliki akses ke file atau komputer untuk satu atau dua hari. Ketika perjanjian atau penjualan diselesaikan di jalan, di luar tembok perusahaan, diperlukan disiplin untuk mendapatkan tanda terima setiap penjualan kembali ke lemari arsip.

Jika pembayaran parsial yang dilakukan selama suatu jangka waktu yang panjang, tunai akuntansi akan bekerja dengan baik untuk menunjukkan pendapatan konsisten. Bila menggunakan uang tunai akuntansi, transaksi ini mencerminkan arus kas secara akurat. Karena uang tunai masing-masing catatan akuntansi angsuran, yang sebenarnya uang yang diterima akan konsisten dan relatif bahkan. Rencana pembayaran dapat berlangsung selama beberapa tahun jika produk atau jasa yang sangat mahal. Ketika rencana lagi digunakan untuk penjualan yang lebih besar, metode ini akan menunjukkan lebih banyak konsistensi.

Ketika pendapatan dari penjualan yang dibutuhkan untuk membayar biaya operasional, akuntansi kas akan secara akurat menunjukkan jumlah uang yang diterima dan dapat digunakan untuk membayar tagihan-tagihan.

Setelah metode akuntansi pajak atas dasar uang tunai dipilih, itu adalah tidak mungkin untuk mengubah metode efisien. Jika perubahan ke metode akrual diinginkan, metode kas harus telah digunakan selama dua tahun berturut-turut. Pada saat itu, sebuah permintaan resmi harus diserahkan kepada Menteri Keuangan. Untuk memastikan proses ini dilakukan dengan benar dan semua basis tercakup, pemilik / petugas dari bisnis harus berkonsultasi dengan akuntan publik bersertifikat.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joe_Coffee

Rabu, 24 Februari 2010

Hukum perdata Indonesia

Salah satu bidang hukum yang mengatur hak dan kewajiban yang dimiliki pada subyek hukum dan hubungan antara subyek hukum. Hukum perdata disebut pula hukum privat atau hukum sipil sebagai lawan dari hukum publik. Jika hukum publik mengatur hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan negara serta kepentingan umum (misalnya politik dan pemilu (hukum tata negara), kegiatan pemerintahan sehari-hari (hukum administrasi atau tata usaha negara), kejahatan (hukum pidana), maka hukum perdata mengatur hubungan antara penduduk atau warga negara sehari-hari, seperti misalnya kedewasaan seseorang, perkawinan, perceraian, kematian, pewarisan, harta benda, kegiatan usaha dan tindakan-tindakan yang bersifat perdata lainnya.

Ada beberapa sistem hukum yang berlaku di dunia dan perbedaan sistem hukum tersebut juga mempengaruhi bidang hukum perdata, antara lain sistem hukum Anglo-Saxon (yaitu sistem hukum yang berlaku di Kerajaan Inggris Raya dan negara-negara persemakmuran atau negara-negara yang terpengaruh oleh Inggris, misalnya Amerika Serikat), sistem hukum Eropa kontinental, sistem hukum komunis, sistem hukum Islam dan sistem-sistem hukum lainnya. Hukum perdata di Indonesia didasarkan pada hukum perdata di Belanda, khususnya hukum perdata Belanda pada masa penjajahan.

Bahkan Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Perdata (dikenal KUHPer.) yang berlaku di Indonesia tidak lain adalah terjemahan yang kurang tepat dari Burgerlijk Wetboek (atau dikenal dengan BW)yang berlaku di kerajaan Belanda dan diberlakukan di Indonesia (dan wilayah jajahan Belanda) berdasarkan azas konkordansi. Untuk Indonesia yang saat itu masih bernama Hindia Belanda, BW diberlakukan mulai 1859. Hukum perdata Belanda sendiri disadur dari hukum perdata yang berlaku di Perancis dengan beberapa penyesuaian. Kitab undang-undang hukum perdata (disingkat KUHPer) terdiri dari empat bagian, yaitu:

* Buku I tentang Orang; mengatur tentang hukum perseorangan dan hukum keluarga, yaitu hukum yang mengatur status serta hak dan kewajiban yang dimiliki oleh subyek hukum. Antara lain ketentuan mengenai timbulnya hak keperdataan seseorang, kelahiran, kedewasaan, perkawinan, keluarga, perceraian dan hilangnya hak keperdataan. Khusus untuk bagian perkawinan, sebagian ketentuan-ketentuannya telah dinyatakan tidak berlaku dengan di undangkannya UU nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan.
* Buku II tentang Kebendaan; mengatur tentang hukum benda, yaitu hukum yang mengatur hak dan kewajiban yang dimiliki subyek hukum yang berkaitan dengan benda, antara lain hak-hak kebendaan, waris dan penjaminan. Yang dimaksud dengan benda meliputi (i) benda berwujud yang tidak bergerak (misalnya tanah, bangunan dan kapal dengan berat tertentu); (ii) benda berwujud yang bergerak, yaitu benda berwujud lainnya selain yang dianggap sebagai benda berwujud tidak bergerak; dan (iii) benda tidak berwujud (misalnya hak tagih atau piutang). Khusus untuk bagian tanah, sebagian ketentuan-ketentuannya telah dinyatakan tidak berlaku dengan di undangkannya UU nomor 5 tahun 1960 tentang agraria. Begitu pula bagian mengenai penjaminan dengan hipotik, telah dinyatakan tidak berlaku dengan di undangkannya UU tentang hak tanggungan.
* Buku III tentang Perikatan; mengatur tentang hukum perikatan (atau kadang disebut juga perjanjian (walaupun istilah ini sesunguhnya mempunyai makna yang berbeda), yaitu hukum yang mengatur tentang hak dan kewajiban antara subyek hukum di bidang perikatan, antara lain tentang jenis-jenis perikatan (yang terdiri dari perikatan yang timbul dari (ditetapkan) undang-undang dan perikatan yang timbul dari adanya perjanjian), syarat-syarat dan tata cara pembuatan suatu perjanjian. Khusus untuk bidang perdagangan, Kitab undang-undang hukum dagang (KUHD) juga dipakai sebagai acuan. Isi KUHD berkaitan erat dengan KUHPer, khususnya Buku III. Bisa dikatakan KUHD adalah bagian khusus dari KUHPer.
* Buku IV tentang Daluarsa dan Pembuktian; mengatur hak dan kewajiban subyek hukum (khususnya batas atau tenggat waktu) dalam mempergunakan hak-haknya dalam hukum perdata dan hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan pembuktian.

Sistematika yang ada pada KUHP tetap dipakai sebagai acuan oleh para ahli hukum dan masih diajarkan pada fakultas-fakultas hukum di Indonesia.

sumber : http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hukum_Indonesia

Senin, 22 Februari 2010

Analisis Manajemen Logistik Dalam Menunjang Kelancaran Penjualan

Tingkat penjualan yang dicapai merupakan indikator terhadap efisiensi dan kemajuan ekonomi. Masalah peningkatan penjualan merupakan tujuan dan perhatian utama dari setiap perusahaan. Oleh karena itu, salah satu usaha yang konkrit dan terarah serta terpadu yang dilaksanakan secara konsisten dan berkesinambungan untuk mendorong peningkatan penjualan adalah pelaksanaan manajemen logistik dengan sebaik-baiknya.

Pengukuran kinerja manajemen logistik yang benar akan mendorong perusahaan meningkatkan kinerja manajemen logistik mereka. Dengan pengukuran yang baik perusahaan akan mengetahui apa yang bisa dihemat dan berapa jumlahnya serta hal apa saja yang perlu diperbaiki. Penelitian ini bertujan untuk Untuk dapat mengetahui penerapan manajemen logistik yang baik pada PD Orbit Motor Sport, Untuk dapat mengetahui hambatan yang terjadi pada manajemen logistik yang dijalankan pada PD Orbit Motor Sport, dan Untuk dapat mengetahui baaimana manajemen logistik menjadi penunjang dalam kelancaran paenjualan pada PD Orbit Motor Sport.

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan yang diperoleh penulis yaitu PD Orbit Motor Sport telah melaksanakan proses inti manajemen logistik yaitu peramalan (forecasting ) pasar produk, pengolahan pesanan barang, perencanaan operasi, dan procurement perusahaan. Selain itu juga PD Orbit Motor Sport menerapkan komponen-kompponen logistik diantaranya pengetahuan produk, administrasi dan dokumen, pengiriman / distribusi (distribution), prosedur pengiriman barang dari gudang, prosedur pengembalian barang dagangan, dan pemeriksaan fisik persediaan. Hambatan yang terjadi pada penerapan manajemen logistik merupakan proses pengolahan barang, proses peneriman barang, proses penerimaan invoice, stock persediaan bahan baku, stock persediaan barang , yang sering tidak terkontrol oleh karyawan.

Adapun manfaat dari manajemen logistik adalah secara keseluruh aktivitas operasi perusahan akan menjadi efektif sehingga pada akhirnya biaya poerasi perusahaan akan menjadi lebih efisien dan laba perusahaan juga akan meningkat. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa PD Orbit telah melaksanakan Manajemen Logistik dengan baik. Adapun hambatan-hambatan yang dihadapi bisa ditanggulangi dengan cara memberikan karyawan sarana yang memadai, penyuluhan mengenai bidang pekerjaannya masing-masing secara mendetail.


Modifikasi Pinjaman Bank - 5 Tips Dasar Untuk Menghindari Penyitaan Dari Bank

Sebuah perjanjian modifikasi pinjaman bank adalah solusi jangka panjang bagi mereka yang pernah mampu mengembalikan pinjaman yang ada. Jutaan pemilik rumah tidak mampu membiayai kembali pinjaman mereka mungkin akan mencari cara lain untuk menghindari atau menghentikan penyitaan bank selama beberapa tahun.

Sebuah pinjaman bank modifikasi adalah perubahan berhasil antara Anda dan bank Anda. Anda pemilik rumah yang ada pinjaman adalah ulang dalam menanggapi jangka panjang Anda ketidakmampuan untuk membayar kembali pinjaman. Dalam rangka untuk menghindari penyitaan modifikasi biasanya akan melibatkan salah satu dari tiga perubahan atau kombinasi dari tiga berikut: mereka dapat mengurangi tingkat suku bunga pinjaman, membuat perpanjangan waktu yang Anda miliki untuk membayar kembali pinjaman, atau membuat yang sama sekali berbeda jenis pinjaman. Kreditur diharapkan akan terbuka untuk memodifikasi pinjaman karena biaya pembuatan perubahan seringkali kurang dari biaya pinjaman default.

Ketika Anda sedang menghadapi penyitaan, berurusan dengan pemberi pinjaman Anda dapat lebih suka berurusan dengan marah anggota keluarga yang Anda berutang uang ke. Beberapa pemberi pinjaman tidak hanya bersedia berunding bila Anda menghadapi kesulitan keuangan. Pinjaman modifikasi pencegahan penyitaan dapat membantu Anda menghindari stres dan kemarahan yang terlibat dengan berusaha untuk menjaga keluarga di rumah Anda. Terserah kepada Anda untuk meyakinkan pemberi pinjaman bahwa Anda akan menguntungkan mereka untuk menyetujui pengaturan berolahraga dengan Anda. Sayangnya tanpa bimbingan yang tepat ini mungkin lebih sulit daripada yang Anda bayangkan. Penggunaan konselor pencegahan penyitaan dapat membuat proses lebih mudah untuk menangani.

Kehilangan rumah Anda mungkin menjadi takut banyak dari kita akan segera menyadari tetapi belajar untuk menavigasi melalui sistem modifikasi pinjaman bank mungkin menjadi jawaban untuk keluarga Anda dalam situasi yang lebih stabil dan bank menghentikan penyitaan.

5 Tips untuk Menghindari penyitaan rumah anda

1. Jangan menghabiskan pembayaran rumah Anda: Anda mungkin menjadi bingung memutuskan yang tagihan yang harus dibayar. Mengetahui Anda mungkin kehilangan rumah, Anda dapat memutuskan untuk membayar tagihan Anda yang lain agar tidak jatuh di belakang dan masuk ke dalam koleksi.
2. Hemat waktu: menggunakan pencegahan penyitaan konselor akan menghemat waktu yang diperlukan untuk belajar dari kesalahan dalam berhubungan dengan bank Anda.
3. Apakah anda seorang profesional di sisi: bank Anda akan memiliki tim ahli di pihak mereka. Proses ini menakutkan dan sulit untuk dicapai pada Anda sendiri.
4. Pelajari cara yang benar untuk bekerja keluar masalah Anda. Rumah Anda yang dipertaruhkan! Belajarlah untuk benar menavigasi melalui proses modifikasi pinjaman bank; ini ada waktu untuk menebak.
5. Tenang membantu hanya satu kali klik: Anda bertanggung jawab sebagai pemilik rumah , mamberikan perlawanan terhadap kondisi yang sedang anda hadapi.

Peminjam berjuang agar dapat tinggal di rumah mereka - bahkan ketika nilai-nilai menurun tajam - selama mereka dapat melunasi pembayaran bulanan mereka.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jake_Worthington

Jumat, 19 Februari 2010

Future Proofing Your Online Event Management Software, Part Two

Interviewer: What sort of things do you need to consider when you're choosing the right kind of event management software system?

DL: It's important to consider what would you like to do - what would be the ideal model today if you had a green field site that could do whatever you wanted it to do, and then look further down the track if you can; five years time/two years time, what's it going to look like for your business? Then come up with a list of key points that you need your solution to meet in order to get to that end goal. Then you can start looking at products and solutions. Get products in, making sure to ignore the tinsel and the glitz around the products; they all look good, they'll all demo well, they'll all look fantastic in an hour's presentation, because all event management software companies can do good presentations! Look at the company behind it, look at the how seriously they take your business processes and look at how much time they're willing to invest in working with you to understand what you do. If they're just going to sell you a box with a bit of software in it and a support and maintenance contract, that's probably not the company for you, if you've got a long term view of how you're going to take your event management solution. So look for a company that's going to work with you, that's going to be there for the long term, that's going to take your ideas on board. Because you're the person, as an event manager, who is doing the job. The software company - they don't do the same job as you. They create the software. So a good software event management software solution company will want your ideas; so listen to what they're saying in response to the ideas you've got, and then formulate whether you think you can work with them in the long term. It's all about relationships.

Interviewer: Over the next few years, how do you see the event management software industry developing?

DL: The economic situation is having a huge impact on the event management market place; there is a reluctance to leave your desk. If you're not at your desk, you're somewhere else and you're not adding value to the business. So people are reluctant to leave their desk. The online WebEx/GoToMeeting/online meetings, there's a relatively large explosion of that, especially in the US and it's started to gradually come into the UK and Europe. We're a bit more reluctant to do online events - they're a bit 'strange' to us and we're more used to getting in our cars and going on the train to physically attend an event. But with the pressures of the economy, online events will become more and more prevalent.

Equally, social networking such as Facebook, Twitter is creating a level of personalisation. The whole 'Amazon' experience online is what people expect. People who go onto Amazon and buy a book, they're told what other books are in the same subject, and this is exactly the same with events. If you're booking on an event you want to be able to see suggestions such as:

- Here's an event that may be relevant to you

- Here are some others events you can look at

- Here are some other subjects surrounding the event

- Here's a book about the event subject

- Here's a DVD you can buy to prepare yourself

- Here's a hotel that's near your event

So you can't just look at it in isolation of the event, it's all the bits that go around it as well. People's perception of what they can get from an online experience is rising exponentially, and the software industry and the web industry are racing to keep up.

The focus in the future will also be with the integration into the back office systems. A lot of online event systems aren't integrated; they're not integrated with CRM solutions, you can't therefore get personalisation in place. Personalisation is crucial if you're going to deliver an online experience that adds value to the customer, personalisation is essential. Without that you're just providing a 'me too' type experience. One delegate may register to attend a 'Yacht Master Sailing Course' and someone else is going on a 'Competent Crew Course' on a yacht; they're completely different experiences that the two people are having, and so they have two completely different sets of expectations. One may be a leisure sailor the other may be a professional. The professional will want a professional experience, and the leisure sailor will want a leisure experience. Getting it right, and getting the interests of communities together and interfacing that with other systems is going to be crucial in the next two to three years. That is what will differentiate the events companies and the events solutions that will drive forward in this economic downturn and as the economy recovers, and those that just stand still.

This article the second and final part of this interview. Please search for Part One to gain a full understanding of how you can future proof your events through investment in a comprehensive event management software solution.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kate_Oxton

Business Coaching - Five Key Factors in Developing Successful Partnerships

Successful business owners and managers work in partnership with others. They know that all business objectives are achieved with and through others. Their skill for negotiation with other people is paramount in their own thinking.

They establish mutually agreeable and beneficial goals with each other. They build both their own and others capacity, capabilities and skills by having great partnership arrangements. Partnership arrangements and how to manage them figure highly in their business policy development processes. It is a special kind of intelligence and mindset in its own right.

Successful business owners create powerful partnerships and alliances that reap huge financial rewards and enhance their business reputations.

How do they do it?

The five key factors to be crystal clear about in developing sound and successful business partnerships are:

Understand the Purpose of the Partnership

Successful partnerships exist in business because they focus on mutually agreeable business objectives and goals. To ensure this result, partners must be compatible.

This compatibility is primarily determined by having a shared value base. The shared value based must be explored thoroughly, honestly and openly if the partnership is going to succeed. It must be documented and clearly understood by all the parties involved.

If the businesses share a common vision and values base, their partnerships will be successful. If they do not, they will not. It is as simple as that.

Spell Out the Commitments of the Partnership

Partnership agreements form the foundation of successful alliances and affiliations. Therefore, partnership agreements must be constructed using a shared process and must be entered into in a spirit of generosity and customer-oriented service, if they are going to be effective.

Once a partnership understanding is reached at a compatibility level, a plan must then be documented that clearly identifies roles, objectives, accountabilities and responsibilities, as well as clear time frames for completion of tasks and initiatives.

Managing the partnership itself has to be the first objective. A communication and issue resolution mechanism must be in place, and an effective decision making suite of tools is essential. Great partnerships are built on trust. Having trusting relationships is the hallmark of good partnership governance and management.

Have Realistic Expectations of the Partnership

Successful partners, in life as well as in business, talk to each other. Not just when things are going well, but also when there are problems.

They talk honestly and openly with each other, and they take on the responsibility of managing the relationship as a priority. They spell out their expectations so that problems can be fixed when they occur. They share knowledge and skills generously in ways that are of mutual benefit.

Pursuing excellence and quality in partnering relationships is a major source of mutual satisfaction.

Manage the Risks and Opportunities that the Partnership Presents

Business development and risk management are essential ingredients of successful business partnerships. There must be a dispute resolution process in place. Business partners must master problem solving/conflict resolution skills in effectively managing the risks that accompany working with others.

By identifying risks and their potential causes, successful business partners prevent them from occurring in the first place, and they have a process for addressing them, if they do eventuate.

Successful business partners are always on the look out for enhancing and exploiting the opportunities that emerge as the partnership arrangement proceeds. This can lead to exciting new product and service opportunities that are extremely beneficial to everyone concerned.

Determine the Shelf Life of the Partnership

One of the essential qualities of good leadership and successful business partners is that they review and evaluate their progress against objectives and projects. Effective business partners set dates for achieving results.

They know when it is time for them to withdraw from a partnership arrangement and go their separate ways. Having a clear shelf life for partnerships and their review is critical. There is nothing worse than being in a partnership arrangement that has outlived its usefulness.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Peter_McLean

Kamis, 18 Februari 2010

Mining Industry in Australia

The mining industry in Australia is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. The non-stop increasing demand for minerals has given it an enormous boom. Mining and activities related to mining contribute to 4.1% of the Gross Domestic Product for the company. With such huge deposits of resources the sector has still a long way to go.

Western Australia is the center of all mining activities. This part of the country has most of the resource deposits and due to sky rocketing demands for minerals, there is always a need of workers to meet the requirement. Individuals with experience in other fields often tend to enter the mining business even if there experience does not count, in order to earn good money and change their profession.

Skills are not the essential commodity in this business when you are entering it, although as you gain relevant experience your pay scale definitely rises, but you can enter here with some or no experience and you can surely find your way.

With no skills in hand you can still get a job for sample preparer, geologist assistant, surveyor assistance or a driller's helper. Other fields available in this sector are kitchen jobs, cleaning jobs or catering jobs.

Some useful information about these starter jobs would be quite helpful so here it is. Sample Preparer work is all about splitting, sorting and crushing of the samples collected in a geological survey. Some laboratory work is also undertaken. Jobs like operating and deploying drilling rigs to drill holes for investigation of future deposits come under Driller's Offsider.

A Surveyor Assistant helps in assembling the survey equipment, monitoring the equipment inventory, assisting in office and field duties and maintaining the survey equipment. Whereas helping in contractor management and drilling management, supporting the Geologist in day to day safety initiatives are the jobs of a Geologist Assistant.

The level of earnings can be estimated only from the fact that employees with no experience or licenses can earn around 1400-1700 AUD a week and people with experience earn $100,000 AUD annually, depending on location and experience.

Types of positions that are provided can either be DIDO where you drive in from your residence to the mining site and after completing your shift can drive out back to your residence while working on a set roster. Other is FIFO in which you can fly to the city when your working shift or roster is on and after completing a roster you fly back to your own city.

Most expenses are fully paid by the mining organization with free accommodation and food; this is the most common format. The other option is you get a residential position in the mining town. You are then taken to and from the mine by the transport of the organization.

With the right information and advice you can give your mining career a great start. This article should have helped you giving a summarized picture of the Mining Industry of Australia.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jitesh_Arora

Picking the Right Tile Cleaning Service For Your Home

Most people are under the impression that building a house is a hard job but the truth is that maintaining a clean house is harder than building one. Tiles are often hard to clean and most of the products in the market don't remove stains from tiles as well as they should. Cleaning services help people remove stubborn stains from them and the trained technicians also provide home owners with tips so that they can keep their tiles clean. This article will help you understand which cleaning service is right for your home.

Cleanings services that are offered by cleaning companies include cleaning of marble floors, cleaning of polished ceramic tiles, cleaning of unpolished ceramic tiles, cleaning of brick tiles and cleaning of grout. Depending on their type you have the technician may use mild acids to powerful acids to clean your tiles. Since some of them cannot be cleaned with acids the technician will use alternate materials to clean these tiles.

The type of damage done to the tiles will also determine which material is used to clean the tiles. Basic cleaning services remove stains that have not affected the floor drastically but extensive cleaning services remove stains that cannot be removed without otherwise replacing the tile.Those having mildew and mold damage are often cleaned using powerful materials since mold and mildew spores are hard to kill.

Tile sealing services are also offered by many repair companies. This service consists of using sealants to repair leaky floors. The type of sealant used will depend on the type of floor you have. For instance granite floors require a different sealant than grout floors and the cost for sealing granite floors is more than the cost for sealing grout floors.

Repair services are meant for people who have tiles that are damaged or badly stained. These services are more extensive than regular cleaning and strong materials are used to repair them. Some of the types of tile repairing services include replacement of broken tiles, removal of water stains, replacement of wall boards and replacement of chipped tiles. Some cleaners also repair tiles that have been discolored due to regular wear and tear.

The cleaning service you choose will depend primarily on the type of tiles you have since there are specific cleaning methods for each type of tile. After they have been cleaned the technician will give you tips so that you can keep your tiles clean till when the next cleaning is due.

The price charged for such cleaning services is generally calculated per foot of tile. The type of tile and the type of cleaning or repair method chosen will also affect the total cost. Many tile cleaners offer discounts to customers who opt for more than 2 services and these companies also provide periodic discounts and promotions.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Clara_Ghomes

Website Optimization Services From Internet Marketing Companies

Internet's birth has created an enormous board. Companies all over the world are now shifting from the traditional methods of marketing and advertisement to internet marketing. So they acquire a space in the huge board so that the entire world can see their products and services brochures and catalogs. Internet marketing, also called e-marketing or online marketing, has become a new business with a fair amount of competition. Of course, one has to make his/her own website popular for more people to see them.

There are several internet marketing companies that provide services of making a website receive more visitors or online traffic. After all, the main concern of all websites is to be more visible in the internet. Visibility can be improved by a number of other methods like hiring other sites to host links- in forms of text, banners and images- that you want to be visited by the people. Site owners can engage in paid Search Engine Marketing (SEM) by paying search engines to include them in the results list. However, paying search engine sites does not guarantee good traffic. What if the ranking of the site is 100?

Therefore, the trend goes to Search Engine Optimization (SEO). This is a method of acquiring free high ranking referrals from search engines by arranging website content and efficient coding. This is where internet marketing companies come in. More specifically, they are SEO companies.

SEO companies provide services in web analytics. They have software that keeps track of the number visitors of a website, the source of referrals, how many completes transactions and the number of loyal customers. They can bring companies to the already existing demand. Best of all, they can modify the coding and content of a website; so that when recognized, search engines will give the website a high rank in the search results. Imagine a company in the top 3 of the results when searched in Google. Of course it will be visited by more people and will earn more.

Increase Visibility Inc. in California, WebiMax in New Jersey, and SEOP in California are few of the popular SEO companies. The three alone serve more than 800 clients for search engine optimization at low to medium rates. All have more than 90 percent of client retention. In particular, both three sites excel in the field of Needs Analysis. Needs Analysis is an approach to SEO where the optimizing party surveys the web for massive demands. Usually, the demands already exist and are very needy to find a patron. The data in the analysis will then direct the websites to these customers, effortlessly raising income afterwards.

Another service is keyword analysis. This is optimizing the text in the content of the websites so that they correspond with query keywords typed in search engines. Though simple in the way it sounds, keyword analysis makes use of powerful software and data gathering.

Services other than SEO are also available from a number of companies, like support for the Pay per Click (PPC) model of online marketing. Online business, especially the big ones, can count on their wisely chosen internet marketing companies for their success.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ewen_Chia

Rabu, 17 Februari 2010

Event and Catering Business Promotion Ideas - The Need For Speed

Do you have a small business that you want to promote so that you can get more customers and make more money? There are a lot of small business promotion ideas that you can use in order to get the word out about your products or services. It can be a little bit difficult to find the money to hire a big time promotional company if you are just getting your business off the ground. There are a lot of different ideas that you will be able to promote your business with.

The best way that you will be able to promote your business is on the internet. This is the fastest way to get eyes on the products and services that you have to offer. Everyday all over the world there are people who are searching for what you are selling. If you are not using the power of the internet to promote your small business then you are missing out on a lot of sales and money.

The first thing that you will want to do is make sure that you have a website in place that will give your company a good online reputation. These days if you own a business and do not have a website for your business there are a lot of people who will think that you are not reputable and will write your products and services off. People like convenience and by having a website for them to view you will give them all of the convenience they are looking for as well as reassurance that your business is legit.

Once you have your website in place you will be able to market your business to the people who are searching for your products and services. There are various ways that you will be able to promote your business to these searchers that will help them to be able to find your website and company information. Some of the methods that you can use to promote your small business online will be fairly simple while others will take a lot of learning for you to be able to carry out.

There are several small business promotion ideas that you can use to get your business recognized and to build your online presence. If you do not want to take the time to learn everything that you will need to know then you can always outsource the work to someone who is familiar with everything that you will want to do. If you plan to promote your small business yourself you will want to start learning everything that you can about website promotion in order to be effective.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeff_Sherwood

Small Business Strategy Consulting - 4 Tips to Help Your Business Grow

So you plan on starting a consulting business on your own. You want to consult using the internet because it is global and that is where the future business lies. You want to sell a product or service that you think is equal to others in the same category or maybe it is better than the others. The only problem is that you do not know how to market the product primarily because you are starting your venture on a limited budget, therefore having very little or no money for marketing. In a case like this, how would you promote and advertise your product or service to show that you bring value the market?

Commonly, marketing budgets should be about 2% to 5% of the overall gross sales, but this varies by markets and products. The first step in how you plan starting your consulting business is to figure out what your marketing budget would be for the first six months.

The following promotion activities could be used to start - internet marketing, industry events, aggressive advertising, strategic partnerships, public relations, internet marketing, word of mouth, and direct marketing. If you are starting a consulting business on a low budget, the following marketing methods can be very effective and low cost:

Internet marketing - Get people familiar with your product or service through internet articles and blog posts. Most organizations actively use their blogs to amass awareness for their products and services. This is an extremely inexpensive and hassle free exercise. Furthermore you can market your product or service via social networking sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Communicate with your audience about new services, product enhancements, discounts and other new advancements in your business.

Get a Website of Your Product or Service - These are easy to do today and are a relatively inexpensive way to establish a presence on the internet. For example WordPress allows you to combine both functionality of a blog and website pages to optimize your internet marketing efforts. Making a website of your product or service gives you a better chance to explain the value you provide to millions of eyeballs every day.

Word- Of - Mouth - Get your individual network to spread the word about your product or service. This is the most practical and cost-effective way to advertise. Get your friends and colleagues together for a small gathering or an online webinar and introduce your product or service to them. Keep in mind not to sell too much - you are raising awareness and showing that you can provide value to others!

Direct Marketing - Go for direct marketing when you are starting a consulting business instead of going for expensive marketing options such as Pay-Per-Click. Stay direct by keeping your target audience limited and targeted. This way you reach them in the most practical and the cost-effective way. As an example, fliers found inside newspapers and informative email campaigns are two inexpensive direct marketing tools.

Newspaper Articles - You can get articles published in a newspaper that talk about your product in a extended manner. For example, if you are selling a consulting service, the article can be about the value of a consulting service in a particular niche such as start up businesses. The article can also have a word or two from a well known person in your industry that believes in your type of service.

You will eventually need to have a more focused and tighter marketing strategy to promote your product and services. While all these could be effective marketing techniques that you can use when you start a business, you should put aside a small part of your profits every month for your marketing budget. Use your marketing budget accordingly, and track of the results religiously. A marketing method should be dropped if it does not give you the numbers you need to build your business.

When you are starting a consulting business or any business on your own, you may be on a very limited budget. This is complicated by the fact that you need to promote or advertise your service in order to build the business so you can increase your budget. Plan to use low cost effective marketing methods to build your initial marketing capital and raise the awareness about your product and service that you need in order to take your business to the next level.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Scott_Ewart

How to Find Legitimate Online Business Opportunities

Your quest for finding online business opportunities does not end with knowing the different types of business opportunities available. You need to know how to differentiate a legitimate one from a scam if you want to succeed in your business.

A lot of people are having difficulty in finding legitimate online business opportunities. There are certain problems that face each individual in their search for a real business that can provide them good profit. These problems include the following:

1. Knowing a few people in their circle of friends and family who are concerned about the increasing expenses or the imminent retirement with no enough money.
2. Do not have any idea on how to make money through online advertising or how to utilize the internet in connecting to other people who are also in search for additional income through online business opportunities.
3. Do not know the type of system that would work nor any company to connect with in order to sell or advertise the products.

With all these problems in mind, it is essential to do your research in order to know more about the different online business opportunities and the tools you need to succeed. It is best to find a reputable person who can give you the right information you need. You can find a lot of websites that provide lists of online business opportunities and once you have chosen a particular online business, contact the owner and ask all your inquiries.

Remember that legitimate online businesses do not make excessive claims. All businesses require dedication, time and effort. You may need to make your own website. You need to invest a lot of time and if you are required to invest some money, make sure to know what you can obtain from it.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gar_McGeown

Selasa, 16 Februari 2010

Behind the Glitters of Jewellery

Gold and silver, diamonds and precious gemstones Jewellery mining industry has always been one of the most profitable industries influencing lives of many people and creating and serving the rich, famous and elite. Gold and diamond jewellery is very popular with affluent people as a status of wealth and power. And even diamonds have been quoted as women's best friend, for it has driven desire and passion.

But, behind the shimmer and glitter of gold, silver and diamond jewellery hides a very shocking reality, a reality that most of us are unaware of. The jewellery industry faces perilous problems that affect not only the people in the gold and diamond industry but also our environment. And the question that we need to ask ourselves is "Are the prices of our gold and silver jewellery and diamonds worth the cost of the lives and environmental damage caused by the jewellery mining industry?"

A lot of researches have been conducted on the gold and diamond industry since the issues of "Dirty Gold Mining" and "Blood Diamonds" have been raised. Gold mining has been associated with violence and conflict and became one of the dirtiest industries in the world because of the environmental and human rights violations, land and waterways toxicity, displacing many people from their land and livelihoods. This does not only happen in the gold mining industry it also applies to the diamond industry. Perhaps one of the most popular ethical issues in the jewellery industry was in Zimbabwe regarding the so called "blood diamonds" which have referred to by International inspectors because of the human rights abuses it caused to miners in this country.

It is our social responsibility to do business in accordance with human rights and environmental awareness. Thus, jewellery retailers over the world initiated campaigns against malpractices in gold and diamond mining industry and pledged to source gold and diamonds jewellery in accordance with human rights, social and environmental standards and guidelines. However, the effectiveness of the programme still depends on the efficiency and benevolence of the governments, police and the forces across all the territories in which it operates.

Jewellers and retailers will suffer the consequences of unethical and irresponsible practices in the jewellery mining industry If consumers see them in complicit with unethical and irresponsible practices in the trading and sourcing of "blood diamonds" or "dirty gold". One of the International programmes that promotes ethical and responsible trading and sourcing of gold and diamond jewellery is the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC). The council initiates and sets guidelines and standards in giving certification on looking after the issues on environmental performance, social aspects, labour, human rights and business ethics.

We too can help in cleaning up the gold and diamond jewellery industry by not buying from jewellers who patronise dirty gold and blood diamonds mining. It is our own small way to make a big contribution in improving the quality of the gold and diamond industry and the lives behind the dazzling and shimmering gold, silver and diamond jewellery that you wear.

But how will you know that your favourite jeweller does not patronise dirty gold and blood diamonds? At the present it is impossible to know the real source of gold. Gold jewellery comes from various sources: two-thirds of the metal comes from gold mining and the rest from recycling with around twenty percent coming from old stock and thirteen percent from banks. The Responsible Jewellery Council is an international, not-for-profit organisation established to reinforce consumer confidence in the industry by advancing responsible business practices throughout the diamond and gold supply chain.

And with the case of diamonds, there is what they called the Kimberly Process Certification that monitors diamond mining and gives the assurance that the diamonds were not mined under abusive conditions. This refers not only to labour, human rights or social conditions but environmental performance as well. As a consumer, one way you can avoid buying and patronising blood diamonds is by requesting information about the source of the diamond from the jeweller, and by refusing to purchase diamond jewellery that sourced from Zimbabwe or mined under abusive conditions.

There are a lot of online store that sells high quality gold and silver jewellery and diamonds. Gold and Silver Jewellery Shop supports ethical jewellery trade practices and does not patronise abusive sourcing and mining of gold and diamonds. You can make a change in cleaning up the malpractices in the jewellery industry while enjoying the satisfaction and feeling of confidence, power and beauty with gold and silver jewellery and diamonds.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Novem_Harder

Finding an Air Duct Cleaning Service Provider

To find an air duct cleaning service provider, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends going through the National Air Duct Cleaning Association (NADCA), through whom you can find qualified HVAC technicians. Because air duct cleaning is a fairly new industry, consumers must watch out for providers who make promises about the benefits of duct cleaning, since no such claims have been approved by the EPA. The providers should not recommend duct cleaning as a routine procedure. They should make no guarantees about the improvement of your air quality, nor should they claim to be certified by the EPA.

The service provider should have experience working with your specific HVAC system. They should also have a special license, if required in your state, and should comply with NADCA standards. Perhaps most importantly, check the company's references and see what other customers had to say. The EPA even recommends checking for complaints with your local Better Business Bureau. The best thing to do is compare at least three companies. Ask for each to provide you with a written agreement, outlining the service and the costs.

According to the EPA, you should expect the following from a reliable provider:

  • The provider should open access doors and ports, allowing for the entire system to be inspected and cleaned.
  • Before beginning any work, the provider should make sure there are no asbestos-containing materials in the heating/cooling system.
  • Only high-efficiency particle air (HEPA) vacuuming equipment should be used if the vacuum exhausts inside the home. Otherwise, they will use vacuuming equipment that exhausts outside of the home.
  • Carpet and furnishing should be protected.
  • The duct work should be protected. This includes sealing and re-sealing access holes that have been made by the provider.
  • Dust and other particles should be dislodged by well-controlled brushing in conjunction with contact vacuum cleaning.
  • The provider should use only soft-bristled brushes should be used on fiberglass duct board and sheet metal ducts lined with fiberglass.
Some companies may advise the use of chemicals and biocides. Make sure the provider is willing and knowledgeable in explaining the effects of these chemicals. It is always recommended to do your own research and know the pros and cons when it comes to chemicals in your home.

The EPA has created a thorough and convenient post cleaning service consumer checklist, which can be found here. After the cleaning, go through this list either on your own or with the provider. If you have any problems, the provider should take care of them at no cost.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Josh_H._Burton

The Key to Success of Internet Marketing

It is not hard today to make money online because of the Internet marketing strategies and options available. In fact most of the people are just wasting their time in trial and errors and those who have succeeded feel it their luck. But the fact is something completely different. Internet marketing is not throwing stones in the dark or a matter of luck or so. You have to stick to a thorough plan of action and also have to keep the complete track record so that you can analyze what exactly worked for you. Those who are new can start with affiliate marketing because here you don't have to do much but you start earning, which in turn boosts up your moral and enthusiasm as well.

Affiliate marketing is in fact selling other people's products and you don't have to involve your money in it. You don't even need a website of your own to start with and you will in fact be paid the commissions against each sale you make. For this you will have to first of all find out what is in demand among most people today. Better start with that product and information that people desperately want to have. You can search for the product that helps people get results or information on what they are searching for. By selling the ebooks and guides you get a lot of commission and you can make money fast too. So the main thing behind success of Internet marketing is to search for the exact need of general public.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Folusho_Orokunle

Affordable Communication Tool For Business Promotion

If you want an affordable communication tool to promote your business, find online discount coupons. They provide rebates on print promotional materials. When making business promotion, you should have a limited budget marketing plan so you can get the most out of your advertisement. Take time to search for affordable print communication tool with excellent quality. You can scout for websites offering discount coupons that you can use to buy print products with lesser amount than their original prices. The money you can save in your marketing cost can be added to the amount of ROI (return of investment) in your business.

Promoting Business through Low Cost Prints

Business promotion should not take on your business expenditures. Think of the most inexpensive way on how you can market your business to save more cash. Invest on low cost print through promo coupons available online. Print advertising although it's an old medium of communication and advertising can have wide reach of specific market on for your business industry. TV and radio airtime will cost you a lot of money compared to inexpensive print medium. To save more, allocate your money on low cost print. Search for discount sites giving away promo wholesale to benefit on rebates of their products.

Postcards and Brochure Discount Coupons

For cheap print advertisement with a guaranteed customer interaction, find a discount coupon online that will save your money. Taking advantage of wholesale promo on rebate print products online is a smart marketing strategy. There are printing companies that will help you in cheap printing cost for these products. Rebate like UPrinting coupons are accessible online. Get promo codes and use them on your sale transactions.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carol_Abedania

Senin, 15 Februari 2010

Event Management - The New Order of the Day

Managing events in traditional ways is passé. The new trending way is to hire professional Event managers. They will schedule, arrange and execute events ranging from birthdays, wedding parties to political rallies in an efficient and orderly fashion.

Going by dictionary meaning, it suggests the applying of managerial skills to the conceptualization, development and executing perfectly festivals, conferences or events. In India various firms are taking up this trade because it is very closely linked to promotion, marketing and bringing out creativity. This concept is relatively new in India but has a lot of scope in it to grow and prosper. The persons involved in this particular field must possess important skills like hard working nature, a lot of energy and zeal, a high level of flexibility, exceptional creativity, organizing and logistic specialty. They are actually involved in the process of brand building, promotion, advertising and marketing. It demands certain unorthodox qualities like giving attention to even little details, persistence, meeting deadlines, managing within the budget and most importantly keeping cool in case of any misfortune that might happen at the last minute in spite of the hard work and co-ordination involved.

Various professional courses are now available in different institutions for students if the choose to take up this trade as their career. If they choose so they can find themselves in event management consultancies, travel and hospital sectors, PR firms, media firms, advertising agencies, event budgeting and accounting corporations very soon in the near future. Amongst the most famous ones Event management in Ahmedabad is most sought after because of the happening nature of the events and the amount of exposure it gets through different media's like television, radio, newspapers or Internet. Various other cities are also pitching in, in order to gain much needed exposure like Ahmedabad, Pune, New-Delhi etc. among these Ahmedabad companies are really doing well because of their completely different cultural style, the way in which they handle events and the participation of locales in various events.

Event management corporations and firms doing Event management in Mumbai cater to a variety of field which includes the elite ones like international corporate events which include conferences, press meets, product launches etc and many public programs sponsored by various companies like grand openings, award ceremonies, road shows, rallies, film premieres, concerts, private parties, fashion shows etc.

This new trend is here to stay and flourish taking all those who are with it to new heights.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Avastika_Choudhary

How to Find Book Publishing Services

Every good writer knows that writing a book is one thing but publishing is another thing entirely. There are several publishing houses out there but how do you find them? There are two ways to find book publishing services, but before you begin your search for book publishers, you need to figure out the following:

- Do you want to publish an electronic book? (e-book)
- Do you want to publish your book the old fashioned way? (hard copy prints)
- How much do you want to spend?

Answering the above questions will help you determine what kind of publishing service you should be looking out for. The two ways to find publishing service are:

1) The Internet

Thank goodness for modern technology, with the internet you have information at your fingertips, and all you have to do is search for it online.

With the internet, you get to sit in the comfort of your home and search for whatever information you are looking for. We all hope a simple click - 'search' would get the job done, but knowing the vast publishing services that are available in the web space, you need to prepare and do your homework. You will find there are publishing services that have different packages to accommodate your budget, even publishing services that will help you publish and market your books effectively and some would even still allow you to retain the ownership of the rights to your book(s).

A Tip to find a good publication service from among crowed is from the testimonies of people who have published with that company. Take time to read the feedback and reviews of the publishing service to understand if this is the kind of service you are hoping to get. After much research you should find the Book publishing services that will suit your publishing needs to a T.

2) The Old Fashioned Way

This is quite simple really, all you need to do is ask questions. You can ask people who are published writers and they are sure to tell you all you need to know. Remember to look around you, head on down to your local independent book stores, and browse through the books on the shelves. Look for the books that are selling, and note down the local publishers name and give them a call.

Remember you don't have to commit to any publisher just yet, again the word is 'RESEARCH'. Don't think that great writers like Danielle Steel, Steven King, John Grisham etc ever had it easy, they also had to do their research and come to think of it, these guys didn't have it easy because they didn't have simple access to information like we do now.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Terence_Tam

Personal Bank Loans - Tips On Getting Any Loan

Having financial difficulties can be a real burden. This is especially the case if you find yourself in a bind and you're not sure how to get out of it. One of the only ways it seems that you are able to end the cycle is to apply for one of the personal bank loan that are available. As long as you meet the requirements, you may be able to get some money in your pocket in a relative hurry. This can help you in a number of different ways. Let's take a look at some of the requirements in order to see if you meet them.

The first thing that you're going to need to do whenever you apply for a personal bank loan is make sure that your credit is in order. Many people are not even aware of what their credit score is it all. If you want to know, you are entitled to a copy of your credit report and you can order one for free. It may take a little bit of time to actually get it, however if you are in a real bind you might just go ahead and apply for the loan.

One thing is certain about banks, they're going to be a little bit pickier about whom they lend to than some of the other financial institutions. For some of these places, the only thing that you have to do is go in and sign a piece of paper and provide proof that you have a checking account in employment and you walk out with the cash in hand. Bank loans are a little bit different as they have a different set of requirements altogether. Especially with the lending industry being a little bit tighter with their lending practices, you may have a difficult time getting the loan to go through.

As they say, however, the only way that you are going to know is by trying. If you need to get a personal loan, a bank may be able to help you in a number of different ways. Typically, they have some attractive loans that are available which may save you a lot in the way of interest. Talk it over with the loan officer and see what they have to offer. You may be surprised with what they can do for you, regardless of your personal credit situation.

Article Source : http://www.articlealley.com/article_544181_19.html

Jumat, 12 Februari 2010

What's The Best Auto Insurance Company

Insurance rates for automobile drivers are very high, and this is a complaint that most drivers have. So discovering what's the best auto insurance company can be a struggle. When comparing companies, there are many factors to consider.

Reputation is an important consideration. An insurance company with an established reputation will not want complaints from customers, since that would affect their business. Customer service would be more important for them than for a low profile company. To find a company with a good reputation, ask friends and relatives if they would recommend anyone. If it's good enough for them, chances are it will be good enough for you too.

You can get a rough idea of what the rates will be by looking at websites that compare car insurance rates. The Internet is a valuable research tool, so you should use it to weed out companies that offer prices that are affordable for you. Spend some time looking at websites that deal with auto insurance prices, and make a list of prospective companies.

Contacting companies directly is the best way to know what their exact rates will be. Be prepared to answer many questions about your driving history, such as whether you have had previous accidents. If you have, then these will affect your insurance rate.

In negotiating a rate with the insurance provider, provide them with details that would help lower your rate. For example, if you do not drive to work, let them know, as you may be eligible for a discount since you drive less, and you will therefore be less likely to be in an accident. Ask about any additional discounts they might offer. For instance, if you are a member of a professional organization or a union, you may be eligible for a preferred rate.

The media is full of stories about vehicle insurance companies, so pay attention to these. If a company has negative publicity, insofar as it gives customers a difficult time whenever they make a claim, then avoid them. Conversely, some companies might receive favourable attention. If this is the case, then you will want to consider them.

In most jurisdictions, auto insurance is regulated. Insurance companies are required to meet certain minimum standards, otherwise they may not operate. Make sure that companies you consider are legal, and preferably are good standing members of a prominent insurance industry association. If they are, then you don't have to worry about them stealing your money.

Price is certainly an important consideration when shopping around for car insurance. Nobody wants to pay more than they have to. But also remember that you get what you pay for. If, heaven forbid, you end up in an accident, you want to be sure that the insurance company you choose will honor their commitments and take care of you.

A Glorious Feast of Traditional Chinese Dance

New Tang Dynasty Television’s Chinese New Year Spectacular offers a truly tantalizing variety of dance this year, featuring all-new dance troupes and drawing upon 5,000 years of history spanning a vast range of different folk traditions from Mongolia to Tibet to the Yunnan region of China.

Acclaimed choreographer Yung Yung Tsuai has been working with the Spectacular since its inception in 2004. Ms. Tsuai came to the United States in 1970 to study contemporary dance on a Martha Graham Scholarship. She stayed on with the Graham Company and still teaches at the Martha Graham School of contemporary dance today.

Ms. Tsuai says the Spectacular is a particularly meaningful production for a lot of people because “over the last 100 years, much of China’s rich traditional culture has been destroyed. People have lost their roots,” Ms. Tsuai says. “Our performers want wholeheartedly to convey their culture and traditions to the audience to remind them, and themselves, of who the Chinese are.”

Hundreds of dancers from all over the United States and Canada rehearsed almost every day for over a year. Yung Yung Tsuai is but one of six dance teachers, all of whom graduated from China’s top dance schools, resulting in a combined total of more than a hundred years of training and experience. With so many expert teachers, Ms. Tsui says, “collaboration is a major part of the project.”

Although choreographers use traditional themes and styles, many dances actually combine the styles of both east and west, fusing ballet techniques with the expressiveness of classical Chinese dance. All the dancers train extensively in both. Ms. Tsuai says ballet helps the dancers develop the skill needed to execute the classical Chinese movements.

For Ms. Tsuai, what is unique about the Spectacular is not just the dances themselves or the dazzling costumes, it is how the dances affect the audience. For those few minutes that each piece is presented on the stage, she says viewers will feel they have entered a time and place governed by chivalry, loyalty, and honesty—a place where beauty and peace prevail. “We are not just showing people traditional Chinese culture; we are waking up the part of them that yearns for beauty and goodness,” said Ms. Tsuai.

This is what draws her back every year, sometimes as a choreographer, sometimes as a dance teacher. And, she says, this is what motivates the hundreds of dancers who give their lives over to the handful of days a year when the show comes to the stage.

“Art is the food of the soul,” said Ms. Tsuai. “If you see art that promotes peace and harmony, you will bring that home with you. That’s what’s important. In the past people lived as if they were in a divine realm. Daily life wasn’t necessarily religious but it was very spiritual. When art presents the beauty and positive side of human nature, it can positively influence people in how they relate to others in their daily lives.”

Ms. Tsuai is confident the audience will leave NTDTV’s Chinese New Year Spectacular feeling not only entertained but nourished and rejuvenated by this veritable feast for the soul.

In the new year there is now a regular on the popular modern society do. Traditionally red packets are also handed out to younger generation by their parents, grand parents, relatives, and even close neighbors and friends during Chinese New Year. Nowadays giving red packets as a bonus at the year-end by employers becomes popular and Chinese new year parcel is also a tradition of giving to business associates or relatives.

Giving Chinese new year parcel to employees prior to the New Year is also a good idea. This can be either a gift or a bonus. If it is as a gift, the money should be just right for a gift. If as a bonus, you may enclose a check in the parcel gift and hand it out in an office.

Source: http://www.articlealley.com/article_1091477_32.html

Roses For Your Valentine

Make someone feel really very special this Valentine's Day by giving them nature's most elegant love-flower: the Red Roses. It is one of the most simple yet romantic gifts to give.

But don't get caught out, to ensure prompt delivery, call your favourite florist the week before Valentine's Day. When you call, have the necessary information handy: the recipient's name, address, phone number, what you want to send and how you want to be billed. If you want them delivered to the workplace make sure the person who is to receive them will be there.

If you are having trouble putting a suitable message together ask your florist, they see thousands of love messages and are always more than willing to make a few suggestions. Here are a few ideas of my own:

A great way to catch someone by surprise, especially if they work in an office or school is to send them on February 13th and tell them "you just couldn't wait, you love them that much."

Tell them that: "Today is a very special day - a day for declaring my ever-ending love." Or maybe: "With you Valentine's Day lasts all year long."

At the end of the day though your own words are much more meaningful.

The tradition of giving flowers on St. Valentine's Day first developed in the late 17th Century. Roses became the flower of choice because it was reputed to be the favourite flower of the Goddess Venus - the Goddess of Love. Florists will often refer to the single red roses as a 'signature rose.'

The Valentine Day colours are generally red and white, some people also include pink in this pallet. Why these colours? Red is the symbol of passion, while white is the symbol of purity. Pink, some argue, is a more appropriate colour for younger lovers because it represents a meeting point between two poles. Traditionally a Valentine Roses is long stemmed but if you fancy been different you might ask your florist to arrange a nice little Posey.
There are many ways to give roses - and each has its own hiding meaning here are a few of the more romantic

A bunch of red roses say "I love you." They also stand for respect and courage.

A single red rosebud symbolizes beauty, youth and a heart innocent of love or: "You are young and beautiful."

Red rosebuds mean "pure and lovely."

Red and white roses together, or white roses with red edges, signify unity.

Two red roses taped or wired together to form a single stem signal an engagement or coming marriage.

A full blown red rose placed over two red buds forms a combination that signifies secrecy.

A pink rose represents happiness. It's great to give a pink rose to a partner to say, "I'm very happy with our relationship." But be careful a light pink rose is also taken to mean 'sympathy.' When someone had had a loss in their life then often people offer light pink roses as a way of expressing their condolences

Finally the rose leave itself is a symbol of hope.

Whatever the reason for the flower, whether it be one single red rose or a dozen red roses be sure your love one will appreciate the thought.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kevin_Hart

Valentine's Day Homemade Chocolate Dessert Ideas

If there's a certain treat that can be associated with Valentine's Day, then that would be chocolate. Almost everyone love chocolate and in the day of the hearts, chocolate is clearly the number one giveaway treat for your loved one. So in this Valentine's, make it a little bit more special by instead of buying a box of them chocolates, create some of these treats yourself at home.

Contrary to popular belief, a little bit of chocolate is actually good for the health. Now, before you get hysterical in buying, let me clarify that statement first. Dark chocolate is the healthy chocolate type. It's full of good things like antioxidants that help in maintaining a well-rounded body. With that said, treating yourself with a little dark chocolate each day definitely has a beneficial effect.

Be sure to relay this information to your loved one on Valentine's Day, that as long as you buy dark chocolate against other chocolate types, they can eat these sweets without feeling even a little bit of guilt. That's why in making some homemade valentine chocolate desserts as Valentine's food, it's a good point to use dark chocolate for you to enjoy both a healthy and sweet event.

Chocolate lava cakes are a definite win when it comes to Valentine's desserts. If you don't know this recipe yet, like the name implies, it's a cake wherein when you cut into the surface, the yummy and sweet chocolate runs out of the center as a great surprise. Valentine's food must be fun too, and to add more to that fun, try putting hearts on each one of the cakes by using powdered sugar and stencil for form.

Making homemade chocolate desserts for Valentine's is honestly quite hard, but that's what makes it very special. When you are trying to melt valentine chocolate, it's always good to remember a few points in order to make it right. Those experienced with chocolate all had their share of mistakes in preparation. For example, in your hopes of melting the chocolate faster, turning the burner on high will not really accomplish this task. Even adding water or swirling the chocolate around won't finish the work faster. The only thing you'll get is a bit of disappointment, more sweat from work and a very expensive mess around the kitchen, which is something you really won't want in your romantic day.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Letty_Velasco

Valentine Flowers - Say it With Flowers This Valentines Day

Valentines Day is not merely a day for gifting but also the day that upholds the importance of the celebration of love. It is the perfect occasion to convey messages of love, affection and admiration for special people in our lives. Akin to music, which is a higher revelation than philosophy, flowers are more expressive than words. Valentine flower are particularly beautiful as they connote hidden messages. Roses feature as the predominant flower ideally gifted to loved ones on this special day. The messages conveyed on Valentines Day depend on the color and type of the chosen flowers. The importance of specific colors of flowers and the unique messages conveyed are as below:

Roses: A popular survey denotes that the most widely preferred color is the innately classic rose. Most women the world over, prefer roses to other flowers on Valentines Day. Deep red colored ones symbolize passionate and true love. In recent times, women have shown preference for colors other than the traditional red. Peach is for admiration so is the color orange while white roses symbolized innocence and purity. A bunch of mixed roses connote varied emotions and heartfelt passion towards the special someone. Pink roses are symbolic of poetic romance while purple ones denote majestic glory. If 'love at first sight' is what you wish to convey then lilac is the color for you.

Lilies: Lilies are quite popular as valentine flower and akin to roses, the different colors denote different messages. Oriental lilies with large blooms are a favorite among women that prefer class and quality over quantity. A bunch of full bloomed lilies are perfect for the one you love, hence they make great valentine flowers.

Carnations: Carnations are exquisite looking and make ideal gifts for Valentines Day. They are the second most popular flowers to be gifted on Valentines Day. They have a feminine aura about them which makes them all the more appealing to the recipient.

Gerberas: These flowers add a contemporary touch to valentine gifting and make great gifts for all age groups. They have a fresh feel and look exquisite in mushy posies which may be accompanied with messages and other customized gifts.

Valentine flowers certainly speak better than words but the gifts are nicer when they appeal to the recipient. So, know the recipient's choice before opting to say it with flowers. Choose right and celebrate love, the floral way.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Amrith_K._A

Kamis, 11 Februari 2010

Customs and Traditions of Chinese New Year

Many interesting and peculiar customs and traditions are an intrinsic part of celebration of the most important festival of the Chinese namely, the Chinese New Year. It is by far an occasion to unite with one's family and dear ones and jubilate in the spirit of togetherness reminiscing and sharing the good old memories of the past year. As the atmosphere is dyed in the festive hue of the season, the color red rules supreme.

People are garbed in red clothes, children carry money in red envelopes, even lanterns hung for the purpose of decoration are red in color. It is so because it is commonly believed that red symbolizes fire which according to legend can fend off bad luck. Bright red is considered to be an auspicious color and stands for happiness while gold stands for wealth. The colors black and white are avoided during this time as they represent mourning.

There are particular flowers and fruits which are also strongly associated with the celebration of Chinese New Year as each of them radiate their good influence in the life of the people. The Spring Festival that begins one week before the arrival of Chinese New Year will start on 11th of February, 2007. On the occasion of this festival, there is the practice of offering sacrifice to the Kitchen God (Zaowang) who is considered to be the guardian of the family hearth. He is the God sent from heaven to take charge of family affairs and who prepares a report on the past deeds of the family to report the same to Heaven and thus needs to be kept in good humor. The sacrifice to this Kitchen God consists of a lotus root-like sticky cake made of a kind of confection, a typical Chinese traditional candy.

The practice of using this sticky cake called Nian Gao is to make sure that it serves the dual purpose of appeasing the appetite of the Kitchen God as well as sticking his mouth so as to prevent him from speaking ill about the family. This tradition is not so much in vogue in the cities, though it is still in rage in some areas of the countryside. Every traditional Chinese home also has the custom of keeping live blooming plants to symbolize rebirth and new growth. There is also the tradition of welcoming guests with sweet treats and that has led to the evolution of serving a circular tray of colorful candies which is compartmentalized into eight slots to display the same. This "Tray of Togetherness" (Cheun Hup) ensures that all witness a sweet beginning. Another significant custom associated with New Year celebration is to spend the New Year's Eve preparing Chinese dumplings (Jiaozi).

Sometimes even a coin is hid inside the dumpling and whoever gets it is supposedly presumed to enjoy the grace of luck in the coming years. Even a traditional Buddhist vegetarian delight called "Jai" is prepared on the first day of Chinese New Year using eighteen different ingredients as the Chinese believe eighteen to be a lucky number signifying wealth and prosperity. Many interesting and peculiar customs and traditions are an intrinsic part of celebration of the most important festival of the Chinese namely, the Chinese New Year.

In the new year there is now a regular on the popular modern society do traditionally red packets are also handed out to younger generation by their parents, grand parents, relatives, and even close neighbors and friends during Imlek. Nowadays giving red packets as a bonus at the year-end by employers becomes popular and Imlek parcel is also a tradition of giving to business associates or relatives.

Giving Imlek parcel to employees prior to the New Year is also a good idea. This can be either a gift or a bonus. If it is as a gift, the money should be just right for a gift. If as a bonus, you may enclose a check in the parcel gift and hand it out in an office.

Rose Flower Shops

Flowers have the power of bringing a smile to anybody's face and are associated with radiance and cheer. Flowers are one of the most popular gifts and many people like to send as well as receive flowers. There are various kinds of flowers available all throughout the year and prices may vary depending on the season. The demand for fresh and beautiful flowers is on the rise, which has led to increase in business of flower shops. Flower shops offer bouquets and flower arrangements, and a stunning range of flowers that vary in color, size and cuts. Customers can also place an order for customized bouquets. Rose is considered as a king of all flowers and comes in a various colors. Rose signifies emotions and the color of rose flowers is associated with a particular emotion. For instance, a red rose stands for love, a white rose denotes peace, and a yellow rose signifies friendship. There are flower shops that deal exclusively in rose flowers. They offer all types of floral arrangements that cater to occasions ranging from weddings to funerals.

Rose shops provide freshly cut roses and rose bouquets at a high price during special occasions such as mother's day, Valentine's Day, Christmas, and New Year's Day. Most rose shops also have websites to generate more business. They accept online orders and generally offer overnight delivery service. Some rose shops offer same day delivery service to customers. Many flower shops have a tie-up with overseas flower shops to provide delivery services outside the country. They also have a strong local network to ensure prompt and reliable delivery. Customers can even send a personalized card attached to the bouquet of tastefully selected roses. They also have the option of selecting a specific style of rose arrangement from the product catalog.

Generally, roses that are sold in special boxes come with a set of instructions to help the customers preserve and arrange the flowers in a better way. Many rose gardeners sell their flowers through their own websites to save middleman charges. Long stemmed red roses are in huge demand on Valentine's Day.

for delivery of that day flowers valentine's gift or gift chinese new year please visit this link: same day delivery

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jimmy_Sturo

Valentine Gift Ideas For Boyfriend

Guys say that women are hard to buy for, I beg to differ. Chicks have such a variety of valentine gift that we'd like to receive like jewelry, candy, time, etc. Guys are slightly more difficult but the following ideas will alleviate some of your stress and give you some insight as to what your guy may like. Of course with each of these gift ideas, you have to consider whether they are relevant as to what he is interested in.

A new video game can be a great gift. Although to a chick this seems very plain, and not romantic, if your guy loves video games, then he would love to receive one as a gift regardless of the holiday or reason behind it. If you think he would like a game, take some time to look through the games he already has. See if you can lure him onto the game aisle in the electronics department in the store (should be super easy). Most likely while you are standing there looking at the games he will start rambling on about what game he wants and then bingo, you know that he will like it.

Watches are also a super gift idea. Guys need to feel confident and needed. As weird as it may seem, if your guy is walking down the street and someone asks him what time it is, for a brief moment he will feel special and needed. A nice watch will also make him feel confident. With so many colors and styles to choose from, you will have to do a little investigating for this one too. Once again, inconspicuously take him to the jewelry counter and pry out of him which ones he likes.

Another gift most guys will like is you. Turn off your phone, stay away from the computer and spend quality time together. Either make him dinner or go out to your favorite restaurant. Even if you stay in, dress up like you are going out on the town. Light candles and turn on some music. This setting will be relaxing and allow for lots of sentimental conversation. By the end of the date, there will be no question as to why you are together.

There are many great valentine gift your guy will love. Take some time to study your guy. Find out what he is interested in whether that be something you can buy or something you can give. Have a great Valentine's Day knowing that you've made him happy.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Janet_Brouce

Power Of Unity

One of most important characteristics of large and quickly growing network marketing organizations is that they are unified in their goals, purpose, and mission. Creating this unity is important when you are the only person in your organization of you have thousands in your “downline.” Here are some thoughts and tips that will help you to develop team unity in your network marketing business unity.

  1. Set a common goal for your team – While it is important for individuals to all have their own personal goals, there should also be some team goals that everyone can get behind. Set some goals that you would like your entire organization to reach and tell everyone how they will benefit if the team reaches it’s goal.
  2. Get inline with your “upline” – If your “upline” or sponsor has set goals make sure that you are inline with them. If you have goals that are different it creates disunity. Remember, the more people that have the same goal, the more power that is created.
  3. Find some greater good – Try to find some benefits for your team goals that go beyond just the money. Make sure that the way you do business is somehow benefiting society. Either by educating people or helping them to lead better lives you can create a purpose for your team that is bigger than just monetary profit.
  4. Constant communication – Make sure to always be in constant communication with those in your “upline” and also your leaders in your “downline.” This will ensure that everyone is on the same page about how they are building your network marketing business unity. Unity is powerful, but only if everyone is doing the same thing.

In summary, remember that being a unified team in your goals, purposes, and techniques is the key to securing a strong residual income. People will work much harder if they believe that they are making a difference in the world. They will work even harder if they believe that the team they are on is behind them.

Benefits of Pest Cleaning Services

We design every corner of our house and office according to our likes and the new fashion trends. Only if you take the pain to do all the work like designing, selecting, purchasing etc. by yourself, only then you can understand the real meaning of creating your own house or office. We take the pain to take out time from our regular work to stand by the workers so as to keep a look at their work and thus make sure that every minute detail is considered while designing your house. Also, we take care of all the excess materials so that later when you need to change something you don't have to buy new material and thus save the extra money from being spent unnecessarily. But, imagine, just months after you get your new office or house designed, you see it get destroyed right in front of your house duet o the pests. This seems terrible to even think about and thus to avoid such things from happening, you need to take special care of your entire place including the furniture.

Pest control is a very important part of maintaining your house. We need to safeguard everything so as to keep them safe from getting destroyed by the pests like termites, and other bugs. You need a proper cleaning service that cleanses the entire place as well as takes the extra precautions like using the pest controls to avoid their occurrence again in the affected area. But before we use these pest control systems against the various types of pests that have spread across your house or even the gardens, it gets important to know of whether they are effective on the pests and also safe to use.

Today, you will find various non-chemical pest controls, biological methods as well as the general chemical methods to treat the pests in the house or the office. Amongst these various types, people are known to largely use the chemical pesticides that have adverse effect on the pests but also in some or the other ways harm the other things around. For instance, applying the chemical pesticides in the garden is very dangerous as children usually play in the garden and these pesticides may cause some harmful effects. Thus, you need to first learn as much information possible about these pesticides and their suppliers and thus not just safeguard your house but also the lives of your loved ones. Also, you can follow regular house cleaning methods to avoid the possible growth of pests in the house.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ian_Van

Rabu, 10 Februari 2010

Chinese New Year Traditions

Chinese Culture is rich in its culture and traditions . They have their own beliefs and New Year traditions , which they follow ardently. Although the Chinese New Year , Nian, lasts only two or three days including the Chinese New Year's Eve, the Chinese New Year season extends from the mid-twelfth month of the previous year to the middle of the first month of the new year. A month from the onset of the Chinese New Year, it is supposed to be a good time for business. People will pour out their money to buy presents, decoration material, food and clothing.

It is the Chinese New Year tradition that every family gives its house a thorough cleaning, hoping to sweep away all the ill-fortune there may have been in the family to make way for the wishful in-coming good luck. People also give their doors and window-panes a new paint, usually in red color. They decorate the doors and windows with paper-cuts and couplets with the very popular theme of "happiness", "wealth", "logevity" and "satisfactory marriage with more children". Paintings of the same theme are put up in the house on top of the newly mounted wallpaper. In the old days, it was a Chinese New year tradition to distribute various kinds of food at the alta of ancestors.

The Eve of the Chinese New Year is very carefully observed. Supper is a feast, with all members coming together. One of the most popular Chinese New year tradition course is “jiaozi”, dumplings boiled in water. "Jiaozi" in Chinese literally mean "sleep together and have sons", a long-lost good wish for a family. After dinner, it is time for the whole family to sit up for the night while having fun playing cards or board games or watching TV programs dedicated to the occasion. It is also a tradition to keep every light on the whole night. At midnight, fireworks will light up the whole sky as people's excitement reach its zenith.

Very early the next morning, children greet their parents and receive their presents in terms of cash wrapped up in red paper packages from them. Then, the family starts out to say greetings from door to door, first to their relatives and then to their neighbors. This Chinese New Year tradition is a great way to reconcile forgetting all old grudges. The air is permeated with warmth and friendliness. During and several days following the New Year's day, people are visiting each other, with a great deal of exchange of gifts. The New Year atmosphere is brought to an anti-climax fifteen days away when the Festival of Lanterns sets in. It is an occasion of lantern shows and folk dances everywhere. One typical food is the Tang Yuan, another kind of dumplings made of sweet rice rolled into balls and stuffed with either sweet or spicy fillings. This tradition is also specially followed on Chinese New Year time.

The Lantern Festival marks the end of the Chinese New Year season and afterwards life becomes daily routines once again. Traditions of the Chinese New Year vary from place to place, considering that China is a big country not only geographically, but also demographically and ethnically. Yet, the spirit underlying the diverse celebrations of the Chinese New Year is the same: a sincere wish of peace and happiness for the family members and friends.

In the new year there is now a regular on the popular modern society do. Traditionally red packets are also handed out to younger generation by their parents, grand parents, relatives, and even close neighbors and friends during Chinese New Year. Nowadays giving red packets as a bonus at the year-end by employers becomes popular and Chinese new year hamper is also a tradition of giving to business associates or relatives.

Giving Chinese new year hamper to employees prior to the New Year is also a good idea. This can be either a gift or a bonus. If it is as a gift, the money should be just right for a gift. If as a bonus, you may enclose a check in the parcel gift and hand it out in an office.

Article Source : http://www.123chinesenewyear.com/traditions/