Rabu, 19 Agustus 2009

The Medela in Style Breast Pump is Well Worth the Price

When I first realized I was pregnant with our second child, my first thought was how was I going to be able to breastfeed this baby. I had just gotten into a pretty comfortable groove at work and although my boss was great about making my schedule flexible, I doubted he would allow me to go home every hour to feed the baby. I knew I was going to need a breast pump but I wasn't sure which one to buy. I looked at all the top brands and finally decided on a middle of the road breast pump. It was reputable and got some good customer feedback and the price seemed reasonable. How disappointed I was!

It took me close to an hour each time I used it, just to get enough milk out for one feeding. Also, it was very loud and very uncomfortable. I got so frustrated with it I almost threw it away. Instead, I decided to put it in the shelf and I ordered a Medela In Style breast pump. I had read about the Medela In Style when I had been reasearching pumps earlier but decided that it was just too expensive.

Thank goodness I bought it. It is an amazing pump. It utilizes a style of pumping that mimics a baby's suckling. The suction is very fast and light to begin with, just like a baby. Then it slows down but uses a stronger suction. I get enough for a feeding after 10-15 minutes, depending on how full I am. Also, the breast cups are super comfortable and don't dig into my skin. The collection system is great and the milk very rarely drips during collection.

The Medela In Style breast pump is not perfect. It is a little loud for my taste and I wish it was cheaper, but other than that it is incredible. My main advice to any mom looking for a breast pump is to ...

Do Your Research!

Different pumps are good for different moms and specific needs. I found a great website that offers customer reports and recommendations on all the top selling breast pumps. It's called Best Breast Pump Directory

Jennifer Lynn Hanson - EzineArticles Expert Author

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